Boston Center for Blind Children
A private 501(c)(3) foundation awarding grant funds to non-profit organizations serving the blind and visually impaired in MA

BCBC Impact
Grant funds
Organizations awarded grants
Share of available funds given as grants
Legacies from estates

Since its inception in 1901, the Boston Center for Blind Children has been engaged in charitable activities and programs that provide care and financial assistance to children and youth who are visually impaired or otherwise disabled as well as to their families. In recent years, BCBC has continued its mission by providing financial grants to charitable organizations that espouse the same commitments.
We hope you enjoy learning more about us as you read further. Thank you for visiting with us.
BCBC Board of Directors
Our History
In 1901, Isabel Greeley, a kindergarten teacher for the Perkins School for the Blind, saw the value of early training for blind children. In order to begin work with visually handicapped children who were preschool age or younger, she established the Boston Nursery for Blind Babies. By 1909, the need for services had increased to such an extent that interested individuals and families purchased property on the Jamaica Way for a new boarding school for blind children. In 1910 the Nursery opened with a capacity for 25 residents.