The Grant Process
The mission of the Boston Center for Blind Children is to award financial assistance through grants to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that provide care, treatment, and services to the blind and visually impaired population in Massachusetts.
BCBC meets annually to review proposals and disburse grant funds. We consider the following in awarding grant funds:
Proposal is from a 501(c)(3) organization that provides services in MA
Proposal is complete and received on time, and it outlines the program and plan for the funds
Funds requested will directly benefit the blind and visually impaired population in MA
If grant funds were awarded in previous years, the organization's Common Report was submitted on time
Grant Proposals to Request Funding
Deadline: April 15
All proposals must be submitted using the July, 2023 revised Common Grant Application Form and the Budget Template, both of which can be found at philanthropyma.org. No other format will be accepted.
Annual proposal deadline is April 15th
The following documents must be included with the proposal:
Copy of the organization’s IRS 501(c)(3) letter
List of directors
Latest financial audit OR 990 tax return
Email your proposal by April 15th to bostoncenterblind@gmail.com
Funding Reports for Grant Recipients
Deadline: August 15
All grant recipients must submit a report by August 15th of the year following funding that details how the grant funds were spent. Failure to submit the report may impact future eligibility.
Grant recipients must complete:
the Common Report Language Form
the Budget Template Form used as an expense report, both of which can be found at philantrhropyma.org. No other format will be accepted.
Reports must be submitted to the following email address: bostoncenterblind@gmail.com
Reports must be submitted no later than August 15th of the year following funding. For example, reports for grants awarded in 2023 are due by August 15, 2024.